Sustainable Procurement
We take our global sourcing responsibilities very seriously.

We have developed our procurement processes and supplier assessment methodology to ensure that our suppliers, in whatever country they operate, observe the highest possible standards for all aspects of their business including environmental, health and safety, human rights, anti-corruption and general ethical practices.
Responsible suppliers
We only deal with responsible suppliers who have proven to comply with our strict standards for sustainable sourcing and who accept our Supplier Code of Conduct. We do not continue relationships with any partner failing to meet our requirements or suppliers failing to address any potential risks identified in our supplier audits.
If any of our audits identify improvement opportunities or risks we will together with our suppliers develop plans and actions. Joint progression and development are what we believe will benefit both us and our suppliers and the societies we operate in.
For our customers, we have a clear message, when doing business with LKAB Minerals you will benefit from knowing that we take responsibility for the full value chain offering added value and sustainable products.
More information on sustainable sourcing
Building partnerships with our suppliers is key to success, read more about how we do that in China as an example.
You can also check our statements on sustainable sourced Mica and conflict minerals on the download page.