Improves soil pH and yields.
Nutrient-rich lime for agriculture.
Calcifert is a granulated calcium product that delivers essential nutrients, such as calcium and magnesium, directly to the soil. Its easy application and fast-acting properties make it suitable for a wide range of soil types, ensuring healthier plants and improved harvests.
SOPA Certificate on conformity
EC Regulation 834/2007
LKAB Minerals Calcifert is a leading choice for farmers and agricultural businesses looking to use an effective soil conditioner and improve crop yield. Its easy application and fast-acting properties make it suitable for a wide range of soil types, ensuring healthier plants and improved harvests.
Whether used in arable farming, horticulture, or pasture management, Calcifert provides a sustainable solution to nutrient management, aiding in the reduction of soil acidity and improving overall soil structure.
The Calcifert range, consisting of Lime, Sulphur, LS11 and Mag, offers granulated products to the agricultural industry. Calcifert products are suitable for all soil and cropping conditions that require a pH adjustment and Calcium and Sulphur. Our products can be applied using standard spreading equipment.
The Calcifert granulated soil conditioner range offers a great range of benefits, including:
Calcifert granulated products are available in:
You can apply our Calcifert products via a conventional fertiliser spreader. Independent tests have shown that Calcifert granulated products can be accurately spread up to 36-metre bout widths.
Spreader setting results
Trials with a range of leading fertiliser spreaders have shown that Calcifert granulated products spread to 36 metres and have a Coefficient of Variance of less than 10%. We have tested the following:
Teagle Centerliner SX
Amazone ZA-M
Kuhn Axis
Accord HL
KRM Ex trend
Find out more on spreader settings here
Calcifert granulated Lime is proven to neutralise soil acidity. Made from fine limestone flour combined with a water-soluble organic binder, Calcifert Lime consists of hard granules between 2mm and 5mm in diameter. Calcifert Lime has many benefits over conventional lime. The biggest benefit is that Calcifert Lime doesn’t need to be applied by specialist contractors – it can be applied using conventional farm fertiliser spreading equipment year-round. It is also a cost-effective way to control soil pH with our highly reactive product rapidly.
Calcifert Lime product details
Monitoring the pH of your soil is key to improving crop performance, as low soil pH will reduce crop growth and ultimately yield. Calcifert is proven to quickly raise and sustain soil pH at various soil depths, as our trial carried out at Tiln Farm in Nottinghamshire shows.
Product Analysis: Ca 39.3%, CaO 55%, M <0.5%, MgO <0.5%
Neutralising value (as CaO): 54
Moisture content: <0.5%
Reactivity (HCI): 97%
Calcifert Sulphur is a quick and easy way to supply both calcium and sulphur to your soil. With a typical analysis of calcium as CaO: 39% and sulphur expressed as SO3: 56%, Calcifert Sulphur is one of the purest calcium sulphate products on the market for arable and grassland soils deficient in calcium and sulphur. Calcifert Sulphur has a neutralising value of zero, meaning it won’t affect the pH of your soil. Calcifert Sulphur is a granulated calcium sulphate product.
Trials of Calcifert Sulphur have resulted in:
Product Analysis: Ca 27.9%, CaO 39%, S 22.4%, SO3 56%
Neutralising value (as CaO): 1
Moisture content: <0.5%
Introducing our latest product of granulated Lime and Calcium Sulphate made to help boost your soil and plant health. An innovative new soil treatment available for the first time to UK farmers aims to balance soil pH and supply essential Calcium and Sulphur to soils in one easy, cost-effective application.
Calcifert LS11 both neutralises soil to maintain a balanced pH and contains 11% SO3 to help address the widespread sulphur deficiency on UK farmland.
Calcifert LS11 is suitable for all cropping situations that have a requirement for both soil neutralisation and a Sulphur supply. The high percentage of Calcium Lime will optimise the soil pH, being pure high-reactivity Calcium Carbonate, making more nutrients bioavailable. The Calcium Sulphate portion of the product will supply much-needed plant available Calcium and Sulphur, which are commonly undersupplied in crop nutrient management plans.
Product Analysis: Ca 37%, CaO 52%, S 4.5%, SO3 11%
Neutralising value (as CaO): 44
Moisture content: <0.5%
Reactivity (HCI): 99%
Here you can find guidelines for the recommended application of Calcifert Lime for different soils and field pH. You can also find brochures, datasheets and spreader settings. Alternatively, please feel free to get in touch if you have any questions!
See below to find out more about Calcium and Sulphur deficiency, Magnesium excess and efficient Nitrogen generation.
Our colleague, Melissa Bartz from the US office visited the show and provided some insightful information.
“I was impressed with the intellect of the speakers as well as the quality of the presentations I saw. LKAB Minerals is certainly developing added value solutions to many of the current market situations and predicted future demands of the industry.”Melissa told us.
In a long session, the organisation discussed the future of cable compounds and PVC compounding around different questions. Consequently, several speakers from a vast number of companies answered the questions based on their market knowledge and insight.
For multiple items, LKAB Minerals has developed value-added solutions.
The invited speakers discussed these topics lively. Hereafter, in short, a summary of the questions and answers:
What Infrastructure developments do you foresee could affect cable market?
How will competition in the cable industry drive innovation?
What global standards may affect the compounding industry?
What are the most significant market challenges at present for PVC?
What opportunities do you see for compounding?
With UltraCarb, a natural flame retardant, LKAB Minerals provides a proven, cost-effective solution for the wire and cable industry. The sector already widely uses UltraCarb with both performance and sustainability benefits in:
LKAB Minerals commissioned an evaluation of the environmental impact of UltraCarb in compliance with ISO 14040-14044. Using UltraCarb in place of traditional flame retardant fillers such as ATH results in 40-45% lower greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption.
Please contact our LKAB Minerals sales managers for more information regarding UltraCarb in cable compounds.
This annual one-day event is fully dedicated to the dairy industry. Taking place during the most important time of the year, when farmers plan and decide on the actions for the winter period.
Using Califert products helps to ensure land, whether used for cattle grazing or arable, is at the optimal soil pH for growth. Using our Calcifert range products, you can provide the right nutrients to the soil and balance the soil pH to suit your needs.
Already in its sixth year, the UK Dairy Day has over 300 trade exhibitors on this one-day event. They represent not only national but also international businesses.
This year the UK Dairy Day offers:
We hope you will be able to join our stand in Shropshire where you can ask everything on our Calcifert products. The event is free to attend, with no pre-registration required and car parking is free.
The UK Dairy Day 2019:
Can’t you make it to the UK Dairy Day? You can always contact us directly to learn more about Calcifert. Alternatively, you can browse this website for more information.
Later this month you can also meet us at the Cheshire Ploughing Match in Doddington, Nantwich. We look forward to meeting you in Telford soon!
The Betondag 2019 (Concrete Day) will for the first time take place in the architectural well-known former factory “Van Nelle Fabriek” in Rotterdam.
This year the theme for the Dutch concrete day is ‘Panorama Beton, een kennismaking’ or panoramic concrete, an introduction. This is a theme that fits the future. It relates to a document named ‘Panoramic Netherlands’ which a Dutch governmental advisory body published in December 2018 and is dedicated to the four most critical future topics:
Looking at the future of MagnaDense as an aggregate for concrete, we need to start in the past. For over 50 years, our natural iron oxide is used to make high density concrete. One of the first applications we sold to was radiation shielding in a hospital. And over the last five decades, we have seen that the applications have only become more diverse. We supply MagnaDense for high density concrete to a large variety of projects. However, the most common use is still as a concrete aggregate.
We do see a shift towards renewable energy opportunities such as offshore wind turbines and geothermal heating where MagnaDense fulfils the need for weight but also offers benefits because of its ferri-magnetic characteristic.
Using our natural mineral as an aggregate in high density concrete will benefit your project when you require;
We look forward to meeting you in the Van Nelle Fabriek at the Betondag.
In case you cannot make it to the event but are still interested to learn how your project can benefit from MagnaDense, please contact your local sales manager.
With Calcifert, LKAB Minerals offers a range of easy-to-apply granulated products for the agricultural and horticultural sectors.
Calcifert is best known for its flagship granulated lime product, Calcifert Lime. This highly reactive and pure agricultural lime product is made using 100% British lime from the Peak District. Due to its frequent use, it is well-proven to effectively balance soil acidity and regulate pH in grassland and arable soils.
All of our range is designed to be applied via a conventional fertiliser spreader, making it quick and easy to treat either whole fields or specific areas.
The event takes place at the Langdon Mill farm. Here you will find over 180 acres that provide a fantastic showcasing opportunity. Besides our Calcifert products, you can discover grassland machinery and other associated technologies. With over 80 stands of different companies, you are sure to encounter something of your liking
We hope you will be able to join Mark Tripney in Pembrokeshire to learn about and share knowledge on changing soil nutrient using Calcifert. You can register online for this exciting event.
In conclusion, we summarise what we believe is the essential information about this show:
Date: 6th June 2019
Location: Cardeeth Farm, Carew Pembrokeshire
Stand: N14 in the marquee
Product: Calcifert
Agronomist: Mark Tripney
In case you can’t make it to the event but would like to receive more information you can contact your regional sales manager for additional information on our Calcifert range. Or browse this website for further details.
We look forward to meeting you in Pembrokeshire soon!
Enhance your soil nutrients with Calcifert from LKAB Minerals. Our team is here to provide expert guidance and solutions tailored to your agricultural needs. Contact us to learn more about how Calcifert as a soil conditioner can improve your crop yield and soil health.
You can also find us on social media channels such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Youtube. Together, let’s build a better future with high-quality minerals.
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