
Minerals for renewable energy projects

Wind, wave, tidal, geothermal and solar renewable energy projects all benefit from the use of magnetite for ballasting, gravity bases, anchors, boreholes and heat storage.

Renewable Energy

Different uses of Magnetite in renewable energy structures

The wind, wave and tidal industries use MagnaDense (a magnetite, iron ore product) because of its:

Geothermal energy projects use Magnetite in the borehole and benefit from its magnetic traceability, being a ferri-magnetic material.

Solar project developments are testing the use of Magnetite due to its high heat storage capacity, with a view to storing generated energy. This is a concept already in use for Night Storage heaters and can be utilised in various constructions for both hot and cold surfaces and cross-sections.

MagnaDense ballasted floating and gravity based wind farms

Offshore wind turbines using floating or gravity-based foundations need ballast to remain stable during their lifetime.  For both technologies, MagnaDense can be used to provide the weight needed to keep the installation from displacement.

Either installed as loose bulk ballast or as concrete aggregate in heavyweight concrete ballast, MagnaDense is used to ballast offshore wind turbine foundations. Depending on the project, the ballasting was either completed onshore where the foundation was constructed or offshore where the foundation was filled with bulk material.

Tidal energy anchors with heavy MagnaDense

The box-shaped anchors used in the tidal energy pilot project “Deep Green” were made of high density MagnaDense concrete. Weight was needed to keep the anchors, which are connected to the tidal energy devices, fixed to the sea bottom. Although still in its early stages, tidal and wave energy may become an important player in the renewable energy market in the future.

Geothermal borehole controlled with Magnetite

As the filling of geothermal boreholes is a crucial part of its efficiency and safety, the quality control has to be thorough. To accomplish this, a special binder is blended with our fine and dried magnetite.

During and after the filling, a configured susceptibility probe runs through the borehole heat exchanger and responds to the ideal magnetic properties of our fine and dried magnetite. Thereupon the complete and consistent filling of the borehole or annular space can be verified.

Visit our sister company’s website LKAB Wassara to learn more about how you can achieve long straight holes without deviations for geo-energy and geothermal drilling, using their unique water-powered drilling technology.

Renewable Energy
Ballast for wave and tidal power generators renewable energy

The future for renewable energy applications

The future is looking promising, with more interesting projects and new applications currently in the testing stages, incorporating our range of products. Keep an eye on our news page to learn more about these projects and the use of the LKAB Minerals natural mineral products in this green and young renewable energy market.