
Bed Material

We have boiler bed material products available to alleviate problems such as build ups of slag, bed freezing and bed agglomeration.

Boiler bed material biomass application

Within the refractory industry, there are a range of possible complications. This includes build ups of slag, bed freezing, and bed agglomeration. Each of these can carry with them significant cost to fix. As a result, there are a number of boiler bed materials available to alleviate these problems. The primary material we offer for this is Duraheat – various blends of minerals carrying benefits for a range of fuels.

Boiler bed material products

The choice of bed materials in the bioenergy industry is critical for maintaining effective and efficient combustion processes. Alumina and Silicate bed materials for bioenergy are commonly used, with Duraheat offering different combinations of materials. Each material has unique properties that make them suitable for specific applications, depending on the operations of the plant and the fuels used.

Duraheat bed materials

Duraheat is a our range of materials which offers benefits bespoke to the operation and fuel. Our products are highly resistant to abrasion and high temperatures. They are excellent products for fluidised bed applications where high temperatures cause significant wear and tear on the bed materials.

Duraheat’s high thermal conductivity allows for effective heat transfer in the combustion process, improving energy efficiency. Additionally, Duraheat does not break down easily, leading to lower maintenance costs and longer material lifespan.

With our range of Duraheat products including Duraheat A, MS, AMS, and MSS, we provide solutions for a wide range of bed materials. If you would like to find out more, please fill in the contact form below.

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Duraheat MS

Our Duraheat MS is known for its excellent heat resistance and toughness. Its high melting point and resistance to thermal shock make it ideal for use in biomass combustion applications. Its high porosity allows for good air flow in the combustion process. Additionally, it has a low sintering tendency, which prevents the formation of clumps in the bed. It also has high chemical resistance and can be reused and recycled.

Duraheat A bed material

Duraheat A is a bed material made from high-purity mullite ceramic. It is a popular bed material for bioenergy combustion as it is highly resistant to thermal shock and has a low tendency to sinter, ensuring the effective transfer of heat during combustion processes. Our Duraheat A is also highly durable, with excellent wear resistance and chemical stability. These properties result in a longer material lifespan and lower maintenance costs in biomass combustion applications.

Choosing your materials

The choice of bed material for bioenergy combustion processes depends on specific factors. These include temperature resistance, thermal conductivity, sintering tendency, stability, and emission control requirements. Duraheat products have unique properties that make them suitable for various applications in the biomass combustion sector.

Plant operators must consider all the properties before selecting the bed material that best matches their energy requirements and combustion processes.