Energy Storage Europe 2021
To demonstrate the opportunities we see for Magnetite for storing thermal energy we have booked a spot at the Energy Storage Europe 2021 event which takes place in Düsseldorf, Germany early March.

Decades of energy storage experience
For over 25 years LKAB Minerals have been selling their Magnetite to customers that make Night Storage Heater blocks. End-users are home-owners that want to take advantage of low-cost electricity (usually during the night) to store heat for their homes. During the cheaper hours, the power is consumed, changed into heat and stored in the bricks. Then, during the day time, when the actual heat is needed, this is released slowly from the radiators.
Pilot heat storage project in Morocco
In the ‘Green Energy Park’, at Ben Guerir, Morrocco a large Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) plant is constructed. This seems ordinary, however, its most significant feature is its link to the 500 kWe ORC-plus prototype. A dedicated Thermal Energy Storage (TES) Tank, which is filled with Magnetite from LKAB Minerals, will enable the electricity production to continue after sunset. This addition of the TES will improve the output on demand and increases the number of hours of production, regardless of sunlight availability.
Industrial-scale energy storage using Magnetite
Besides the energy generated at CSPs, Magnetite can also store heat from other energy sources. This storage feature is of particular interest for companies that use much heat. It allows to store residual heat and to reuse this heat later. Besides, the application potential is much broader. One of the essential facts contributing to that is that the conversion of electricity into heat is very efficient and hardly gives any loss of energy. As a result, companies that buy electricity to produce heat for their processes can create flexibility in the procurement of power. Therefore, this will enable them to purchase electricity at the most convenient moment. Also, magnetite can be the solution to store the temporary overcapacity of green energy from solar panels and windmills.
Currently, the applications of magnetite for heat storage is little known. That is why we are looking for partners and specialist that can develop applications, with which the stored heat from magnetite can be re-used sustainably. We hope to meet such parties at the event.
Important information on Energy Storage Europe event
Our international team, with Technical Sales Manager from Spain, The Netherlands and Germany will be at the three-day event to explain the advantages of Magnetite for energy storage.
- Dates: 16-18 March 2021
- Location: Düsseldorf Exhibition Centre
- Booth: Hall 08b, stand number 8bC15
- Who: Sales Managers from Spain, The Netherlands and Germany
In case you can’t make it to the event or don’t want to wait, please contact responsible Sales Manager via the Magnetite product page or by clicking the linked country in the above data summary.