events and learning LAMMA 2024

Events in the mineral resources industry

Here you can find all events that we host or take part of. Use the filters to select relevant events and learning.

Upcoming events

Events – Past and Upcoming

We also have plenty of resources available for our past events. Don't miss the opportunity to follow what we have done previously from the list below!

Events and learning archive

Interested in learning how to use or products?

Roll back the years, check out our industry training archives on our YouTube channel.

Our events and learning page shows all the information on events from the past and present, as well as learning resources.

We exhibit at multiple events across the construction, polymers and coatings, civil engineering, and agricultural industries. In addition to this it hosts a variety of webinars and conferences. Make sure to follow this page to find out which events are upcoming. If you missed us at an event, check out our past events to explore our post-event resources.

Where we once had the learning platform, this material is still available via our YouTube channel, so don’t miss out, follow the link here for more industry insights.

LAMMA image - events and learning

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