Steven Addlesee
"It's always a good learning opportunity to find a solution…"

Steven Addlesee is a Research Technician based at our Loughborough site and has worked for LKAB Minerals for 7 years.
What do you do at work?
“I work within the materials department at Loughbrough University, looking at new ways to incorporate LKAB’s minerals into polymers. At the university we start from literature reviews where we design formulations into compounding, small scale manufacturing and finally mechanical and fire testing.”
What is your main focus right now?
“We are currently looking at a new low Iron UltraCarb formulation from Turkey that could provide greater UV stability for roofing membranes. Alongside a Magnetite based polymer formulation that is both magnetic and metal detectable.”
What is the most fun and challenging thing about your job?
“As we are always working new, never before produced formulations, there is always an opportunity for problems to pop up, such as a Die pressure getting too high or a formulation degrading during extrusion. Overcoming these and thinking of new solutions, like changing temperatures or tweaking the formulations with different additives is always a fun challenge.”
What are you most passionate about at work?
“Making sure the results are as accurate and representative as possible, when working with fire retardant products its important that they are compliant with regulations for the safety of the end user.”
What is the best part of your job?
“The variability. There’s so much equipment at the university that there’s always something different to work on, from Compounding on a twin screw extruder one day, to fire testing or working with incredibly high tech SEM (scanning electron microscopes) the next day.”
How did you end up at LKAB Minerals?
“I graduated with a MEng in Chemical Engineering from Aston University in 2016 and saw the job listing for LKAB and have worked here ever since.”
What challenges do you face in your job?
“There’s a lot of problem solving with formulations that don’t go to plan, but it’s always a good learning opportunity to find a solution that can help overcome those issues.”
What are your thoughts on the future of LKAB?
“Really positive, seems to be a great place to work.”
What do you like to do when you aren’t working?
“Try and stay active trying to hit around 5-10hours of cycling a week, or trying and keep up with my 1 yr old daughter.”
Loughborough, Leicestershire
Cycling, Swimming/Soft play/nature walks with our daughter
MEng Chemical Engineering
Favourite film:
Pulp Fiction
Last book you read:
Brave New World, Huxley
Last TV program you watched:
Modern Family (or Hey Duggee for the millionth time)